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Stop saying "magnifique" in French say THIS instead (5 alternative adjectives)

C’est magnifique, ce film était magnifique, ton repas était magnifique, I hear this adjective every day and it's a bit annoying. Why not vary and use other expressions? Here are 5 alternative French adjectives to magnifique that will give you a richer vocabulary.

First one, époustouflant, use this word to describe something that takes your breath away.

La vue depuis le haut de la montagne était tout simplement époustouflante

Second adjective, fascinant. It's an excellent choice when you're talking about something intriguing or captivating, like a fascinating documentary.

La façon dont travail les abeilles est un processus vraiment fascinant.

I particularly like the third adjective, exquis. Use this term to describe something particularly delicious, like a meal prepared by a chef. If you say it to your friends, they'll be very happy.

La robe de mariage de ma soeur était d'une élégance exquise avec sa dentelle fine.

Here's the fourth, sublime. If something is beautiful in an elegant and grand way, sublime is the perfect word. You can also use it to compliment a friend by saying tu es sublime ce soir, it's sure to please her.

Le coucher de soleil sur la plage était sublime .

And the last one, éblouissant. Use it to evoke the shine and brilliance of a person or object.

Tu as vu son diamant ? Il était éblouissant !

So now you have 5 alternatives to "magnifique" to vary your vocabulary and impress your friends. Some are interchangeable, like "sublime" or "éblouissant"! And if you have any other suggestions or words you love to use, share them in the comments below.

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