If you don't understand Emmanuel Macron's speeches, that's normal, and neither do the French! In this video, we're going to analyze his way of speaking. Let's get started so you can speak French like a president!
Let's start with archaic expressions, those slightly old expressions that the French no longer use or even know. I must confess that I've rediscovered some of them. For example, les carabistouilles, the last time I heard that, I think I was in elementary school, seriously, the word carabistouilles is a regionalism from the North of France, you don't find it in Paris or in other regions.
Carabistouilles means "lies", and raconter des carabistouilles means to tell lies, to talk nonsense.
It's a familiar word, so it's quite surprising to find it in the mouth of a president. Remember, there's also la poudre de perlimpinpin, a supposedly miraculous solution to a problem.
But in fact, it's simply a scam, it solves nothing at all, a bit like the programs of the politicians we have. Next, c'est pas bibi meaning c'est pas moi, again, use of the colloquial register.
Why? Any ideas? Maybe, to try and get closer to the French, shrug. Doesn't really work. I think Macron missed out on a great career as a writer!
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